Exploratory approaches to question the implications of climate change for critical infrastructure and services: example of the French Railway System
Co-development of tailored climate services for adding value to olives, grapes and durum wheat production systems
Co-constructing a tool for assessing the risk of climate change impacts on water: integration of multi-model ensemble and expert knowledge
Testing co-exploratory approaches for decision support and eliciting information needs in urban contexts in southern Africa
Co-designing climate services ‘in context’: Climate in Tandem, a process- and decision-led framework and online guidance
Developing a tool for transferring good practices and knowledge to qualify agriculture and forest stakeholders to cope with climate change
Prototype climate information services for agriculture against pluviometric extremes in the West African Sahel
Assessing Local Climate Adaptation and Science Information Needs Coincident with Hydroclimate Variability in a Snow-fed River System